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Big Grouper
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Big Grouper

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Big Grouper are caught between the months

Of May thru January.Black Grouper

If you’re a fan of fishing and looking for a new adventure, you may want to try grouper fishing in Key West. Grouper are large, bottom-dwelling fish that are highly sought after by anglers for their size, strength, and delicious flavor. In Key West, you can find several species of grouper, including black, red, and gag grouper.


One of the best times to go grouper fishing in Key West is during the summer months when the waters are warm and the fish are active. You can fish for grouper using a variety of techniques, including trolling, bottom fishing, and drifting. Some anglers prefer to use live bait, such as pinfish or squid, while others opt for artificial lures like jigs or spoons.

black grouper

When it comes to equipment, you’ll want a sturdy rod and reel with a high line capacity, as grouper can grow to be quite large. You’ll also need a heavy leader and a strong hook to withstand the fish’s powerful bite. It’s important to note that grouper are often found in rocky or reefy areas, so be prepared to lose some gear if you get snagged.

grouper season

Once you hook a grouper, be prepared for a challenging fight. These fish are known for their strength and will put up a good fight before you can reel them in. When you do land a grouper, be sure to handle it carefully and release any undersized fish back into the water.

Grouper fishing in Key West is a thrilling and rewarding experience that’s not to be missed. With the right equipment and techniques, you can catch these impressive fish and enjoy a delicious meal at the end of the day. So why not plan your next fishing trip to Key West and try your luck at grouper fishing?

After fishing bring your catch to Dantes rawbar

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